Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"Thor" Movie Review

               My review for Thor: The Dark World will be coming in the next few days, and sorry that it is late. Some things got in the way of me going to see it, and I am not able to see it until this weekend, but better late than never. Now it is time to review the movie that made Chris Hemsworth as well known as he is now.

            Thor is about the new king in Asgard, Thor, who makes some wrong decisions and gets sent back to Earth when he has to prove that he is worthy of getting his powers back when a new evil in Asgard is rising, Loki. It stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, and Anthony Hopkins.

            And this film, for the most part, did not live up to its hype in 2011. For most people, they did enjoy it, but it did not have enough action in it and the action it had was not as good. For me, it was a bit different. First, I will go ahead and say that the best about this movie is the look of it, because it looks great. And the acting is good, too. Chris Hemsworth is good as Thor. Natalie Portman is good as Jane Foster. Anthony Hopkins is good as Odin. And Tom Hiddleston is really good as Loki. The performances of the movie hold up as one of the best parts of it, even though I already said that the best part in it was the look of it.

            The writing of the movie had many faults. Though, I will start with the positives. While Thor was stuck on Earth with Jane Foster, I was entertained by that act of the film for the most part. The dialogue had hints of compellability in it, too, and we had some laughs because of the situation Thor was in. The dialogue creating the chemistry between the two characters was not bad. I also liked the dialogue, leading up, and creation of Loki as an antagonist. And, surprisingly, his motivation as a villain was handled well. Though, this film has a number of incredibly dumb factors and small events. It has a huge number of unrealistic things, even for a super hero movie. It also has a huge number of illogical actions committed by characters. Only in Thor did an old man fun into a diner, yell “Run!! Run!! Get out of here!! Go!!” and everyone, happily eating their breakfast, get up and run out of the diner. If I was still there, enjoying my breakfast, and an older, crazy-looking man, comes in and tells me to get out, with no evidence that anything is going on at all, I would not get up and get out. I would yell “The dog is off the leash! I repeat, the dog if off the leash!” Also, apparently the entire city was in that diner, because after the diner is cleared, no one is there at all. I know it is a very small city, but I am pretty sure that a city would have a great population than forty. There are many more things like this, just not quite as big. Overall, though, the screenplay for this movie is alright.

            The story for this movie was fine, even though the major plot events were predictable. Thor’s story of how he has to prove his worthiness was fine, but the story in Asgard was actually interesting. The events followed the generic-ish superhero movie layout from the 80’s and 90’s. That is a negative to the movie, but the story in Asgard really surprised me. The stories kept me interested, and that is why I say that the plot for this movie is fine.

            This movie was enjoyable in many parts, even though it got boring for some scenes in the film. Most of it was entertaining, even though it got slow in some moments. The action sequences, I do agree with most people that they were not great. This film does not attempt to have intense sequences in which you worry about the characters. It attempts at fun-to-watch sequences in which you are having fun with the movie. Though, it fails with that at most of the action sequences. The first one is definitely the best, and it is not fantastic. It was fun to watch, but it was the only one that was fun to watch. The rest of them were entertaining, but it was really no better than when there was not an action sequence happening. But overall, the movie was mostly entertaining, and mad many enjoyable scenes.

            I will now bring up the directing style with the shots of the movie. I just have to say that every shot in the movie turning to the side get annoying after awhile. I am glad that we have a different director for Thor: The Dark World. So, the shots were not good in this movie. Though, the look of the film makes me say that the directing of the movie was alright.

            Thor had good acting, was great looking, had some well-written parts of the movie, a well-written villain, a somewhat interesting plot, one good story, had many enjoyable scenes, was mostly entertaining, and it had an overall alright screenplay, a fine plot overall, and lastly alright directing, but it had many illogical and unrealistic and just dumb actions from characters and events, had a generic-like story that was predictable, some boring scenes, and not-good-enough action sequences. It also just was not great, and it was just enjoyable. Thor is an alright movie overall. It would be worth watching on Netflix or on cable now, but I do not think it would have been a good movie to go see in the theater when it was out.

            On my rating system, I rate the movie “Good If You Don’t Watch It Seriously”.
            On the grading rating system, I give the film a B-.
            On the out-of-10 rating system, I give Thor a 5.8/10.

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