Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oblivion Blu-Ray Collection Movie Review

             Before going to see Oblivion, I had no idea what the word “oblivion” meant. After seeing the movie, I still had no idea what it meant. Today I am still not quite sure what it means.

            It is now the time of the month, the third week, for my Blu-Ray collection review. I choose a Blu-Ray from my collection that I have not already reviewed and review it, explaining why I own it. I picked a film that has only been out on Blu-Ray for three months and came out in theaters in April of this year. I picked it because I really thought that it was an underrated film that did not deserve to be rotten at 54% on Rotten Tomatoes. Many people (not critics) just liked it and I was one of the few that liked it more, even enough to buy the Blu-Ray.

            Oblivion is about a Jack, a veteran who is assigned as the clean-up crew for Earth as, because of an alien invasion, the humans are moving to another planet while Jack and his girlfriends clean up the planet. Jack them encounters many strange things that leave him on a journey to find out what is really happening. It stars Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Ogla Kurylenko, and Andrea Riseborough.

            I will start with the acting. Tom Cruise (Jack) is very good in this movie. Andrea Riseborough (Jack’s girlfriend Victoria) is alright in the movie. Ogla Kurylenko (Julia) is alright in the movie. And Morgan Freeman (Beech) is very good in the movie. The acting is overall good, but nothing special.

            Now I will get to writing, which is where many people had their flaws. Although some of the dialogue seemed forced and very explanatory, there were many great conversations and both compelling and interesting chemistry between characters. I was compelled by some of the dialogue. Some of it did seem a bit bland, but it does not pull from the movie too much. My biggest flaw with the script, and probably the whole film, is that sometimes the dialogue just fed all of the information to you, even though you did have to make some connections. But there were also well written plot events and the characters’ stories were interesting. We get a fantastic twist at the end with a somewhat complex story written very well because the writing for this movie is really, really good.

            I will now talk about the story/plot events of the movie. I love the story of this film. I love the complexities of it and how the twist was slowly revealed throughout the middle/end of the film. It is also a slightly original story that builds a new world, which is impressive. I was very interested in these characters and wanted to see everything about this world. Now I will get to the events. I thought they were written very well and handled really, really well. With the high production value put into this movie, the filmmakers were able to go deep into telling this tale through very well handled events. The story was great and the events were very good.

            Now I will get to talking about the enjoyment aspect of the film, which is where it is not excellent for me. The first forty-five minutes, while mostly enjoyable, was slow. It was a buildup that eventually did get to a level of not being enjoyable, and some scenes could have been shaved off. After that, though, it takes you on a ride that has some very fun and thrilling action sequences and many twists that confused me but intrigued me. I thought that portion of the film was nearly great. Overall, I really enjoyed the film.

            In this paragraph, I will talk about the score, look, and direction of the film. I will start with the score. The score is absolutely fantastic. It is very heroic and motivational at certain points to make it better and it boosts the movie. Sometimes the movie rides on the score to propel it into another zone of fun action. I love the musical score in this movie, which is fantastic.
            The look of the film is excellent. This movie has a huge production value that is really shown in the look of this movie. The cinematography is incredible and fantastic to the point where a new world is invented and it really looks like a world on its own. Also, the director took this cinematography and made it look great on screen. It looks nearly real, and I could not tell when they were using CGI and green screen.
            I will now finally get to the direction of the movie. It is not badly directed overall. The action sequences were well directed but they were not incredibly directed, just like the conversations of the movie, which were just fine. It is directed well, but nothing special is added on.

            Oblivion has good acting, very good writing, a great story, really good events, an excellent twist, a fantastic score, an excellent look, is well directed, and I really enjoyed it, but it does have dialogue that feeds information to you, a build up that is too long, some uninteresting dialogue, some bland dialogue, and some scenes could have been shaved off of the movie. This is a very, very good movie.

            On my rating system, I rate the film “I’ll probably buy this”.
            On the grading rating system, I give the movie an A-.
            On the out-of-10 rating system, I give Oblivion an 8.2/10.

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