Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Movie Review

            First I reviewed the movie with the fellowship of the ring, now it is time to review the movie with, apparently, two towers.  I will say that in a large number of trilogies, the second installment is either horrible or better than the first. Stay tuned to find out which of those I think of this movie, even though the answer should be obvious.


            The acting in this film, just like the acting in the first one, is also phenomenal. The kids as hobbits were great. Some adult actors were great, and some were fantastic. I am not going to waste my time mentioning the names of all of these actors in this huge cast.

            The screenplay for this film was similar to the first, but also very different. This film is much slower than the first and has less action than the first. It has more character development, so it has mores scenes of just dialogue, and the dialogue has to be compelling, so the script would have to be better. This movie did have some very well written dialogue, but it was not quite compelling enough. I would start to get bored with some of the conversations, especially the ones with the guy who was supposed to be the king and that woman from that kingdom that liked him. Though, the dialogue with Frodo, Sam and Gollum was intriguing to me, mostly because of Gollum. He was a greatly written character in which you can really tell he has problems. When I really think about the parts that I got bored with because of the dialogue, there are not many of them. And, a strategically placed scene of action came right after the scene that I was not entertained with. There was some relief there, but the scene came a bit late. Though, when I think about it more, there were some scenes of dialogue that compelled me, and for some of them, here is why: The scenes of dialogue would be cocooned in a plot turn so that the scene without dialogue may have been compelling, too. And that scene I was talking about earlier was the only scene that had uninteresting dialogue. Other than that scene and the compelling scenes, the dialogue was enjoyable, sometimes very enjoyable. Another plus are that the events were written very well, the writer knows when to put dialogue and when to not put dialogue. I will say that this movie also has a great script, just like the first one. It just could have had more scenes of compelling dialogue.

            I cannot talk about the story, because it is not the film’s fault of how either excellent or terrible the story is. I will just mention how well the events in the plot were handled. I will say that I was riveted by some of the events. Some events were not as good as others, but I believe that the major events were handled fantastically. They did what they were supposed to do and that is all I need to say. The events are handled greatly in this film.

            Now I will get to how enjoyable the film is or is not. This is where the film is not excellent. I am going to break down the film into four quarters. Each quarter is forty-five minutes long. The first quarter was great. I loved the story with Gollum and really, really enjoyed the stories with the guy who was supposed to be the king, the elf, and the dwarf and the story with the two other hobbits. The second quarter was good, but it was not as exciting and the dialogue was not as compelling. It had the scenes that got boring, too. Overall, though, I did enjoy this quarter and as I just said, it was good. The third quarter was also good, but it was better than the second quarter. I think the story with Frodo, Sam and Gollum was better in the first and second quarter than it was here, but I still enjoyed it, and this quarter did not have any scenes that reached the level of not being enjoyable. The story with the kingdom was better in the third quarter. The fourth quarter of the film was fantastic. I had a fantastic action sequence, great buildup, great intensity, and an amazingly awesome conclusion and last fifteen minutes. Almost this whole quarter of the movie was at least intense and many parts of it were riveting. I loved the conclusion of this film. Overall, I really, really enjoyed the movie.

            I will now talk about the score and look of the film. In my review of the first one I said that both were excellent. Here, they are still both excellent. The score propels the film and contains some of the film’s best emotion. It is edited into the film so well. The cinematography is again, excellent, and director Peter Jackson really turned it into something else. The CGI also looks great in this film. I will also say that the direction in this film was great, too. It was not quite as good as the direction in The Fellowship of the Ring, but it was still great.

            The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers has great acting, a great script, greatly handled events, I really enjoy it, it had excellent cinematography, an excellent score, great direction, and an extraordinary spectacular conclusion, but it did get dull for a very small portion of the film and not enough dialogue was compelling. Overall, this is another great movie, just like the first. I actually think this film is better than the first.

            In my review of The Fellowship of the Ring, I gave it the rating “I’ll probably Buy this” and an A-. For this movie, I also give it the rating “I’ll probably Buy this” and an A-. Though, I gave the first an 8.7/10, and I give this one a 9.3/10.

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