Saturday, November 16, 2013

Best and Worth Performances of Chris Hemworth

            I decided that for this special video/blog of the month, I would do one on the best and worst performances given by Chris Hemsworth, star of Thor: The Dark World. I am choosing him because my review of Thor: The Dark World is still not here yet and when it gets here next weekend, it will be horribly late. Some things got in the way of me going to see movies this past week, and I am sorry that my review of Thor: The Dark World will be as late as it will.

            I will now choose my favorite performance by Chris Hemworth I have seen in a film, and my least favorite performance I have seen by him in a film. And note that I have not seen many films with Hemsworth in them, so if you saw a terribly awful or Oscar-worthy performance given by him in an indie film, it will not be on this list. Also note that the performance I choose to be his worst may surprise you, but maybe the performance did not work for me. Without further a due, let us go!


I was very impressed when I saw the actor who played Thor in such a deep drama like this when he had to depict several emotions, and do it incredibly well. He was most likely picked for this role because of his huge resemblance with James Hunt, but he mastered this role and added to the character to make the movie itself deeper and more intense. He played his role as if he was James Hunt, and made me feel like he really is James Hunt. When he said his lines, I did not think that he was reading them off of a script. It really seemed like Hemsworth was James Hunt and I was not seeing Chris Hemsworth. He claimed this role in the movie, taking away any “Anyone could have played him!” thoughts, and not just because of the iconic resemblance between him and the real James Hunt. He was great in this role, and I think he played James Hunt better than he plays Thor. That is why I say that this is the best performance I have ever seen out of Hemsworth.


            As I said, this may surprise you, but I really have not seen Chris Hemsworth be terrible in a movie, so it was a somewhat hard decision. But many aspects of Hemsworth’s performance in this movie irritated me that I either did not notice in Thor or was not irritated by it in Thor. Exhibit A: His voice. Hemworth’s somewhat deep “I am god and you all are all below me!” really got on my nerves. It just seemed that Hemsworth was trying to remind the audience that his character is the best and that Thor should obviously be everyone’s entire favorite avenger. It seemed forced and it really got on my nerves. Exhibit B: His general performance. For me, he his performance was much better in Thor. Here, I could, 100%, tell that he was reading lines off a script for this movie. He did not seem to be casual as Thor. He took the performance too far and created an uneasy representation of Thor that I did not buy into. Exhibit C: The likability of the character. I did not like the character of Thor in this film. I know to blame the writers for some of it, and the director for a small piece of it, but it was mostly Hemsworth’s attitude. He seemed like he was tired of playing the role and wanted to get done with the project as soon as he could. That put a hard weight on his performance, causing him to not bring life to his character, which caused Thor to not be likable. Well, those are the reasons that I say this is worst performance given by Hemsworth that I have ever seen.

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