Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 4 "Indifference" Review


            As this strangely different season of The Walking Dead progresses, we continue to get episode that vary from each other a lot. This episode took a different direction through a different tone and much different pacing of the other episodes. This was a slow, character-developing episode. And I really enjoyed this episode.

            The leading factor in this episode is by far the chemistry and conversations with Rick and Carol. So, I will obviously start with this. The first time we see Rick and Carol is in the opening. Rick is loading the car and Carol has a conversation with the older little girl. And this was a very strong beginning. They get the score right for this mood for one thing, and the conversation between Carol and that girl had some really good and compelling dialogue. I really wanted to hear what they had to say. Then, on the car ride to the neighborhood, Carol somewhat freaks out and creates excuses of why she did burn the bodies, and I really did not have much to say about that. It bought some of my interest, but it was not that big. Later, they have a great conversation about what she did that really compelled me and at that point, I thought it was the best scene of the episode. Then, they find those people in that room, make the wrong call to let them come back, and later assume that they are dead. If they do not know how to kill walkers, do not admit them to your prison and give them two guns and your watch, Rick. Then, when they do not come back (which actually surprised me) Rick says to Carol that they may not be dead, and that sparks the conversation at the end of the episode. It really surprised me when Rick kicked Carol out of the prison in what was by far the best scene in the episode. He made some really good points and I was on board with him. He made the correct decision and now he is turning into Leader Rick again. Of course we are going to see Carol again, but she is gone for now. I really like the direction they are going in with the character of Rick.

            Now I will talk about the adventure that the others are still on. After they got away from the huge mound of walkers, they are now actually getting the college. But Tyreese is starting to have some problems. He is still getting his anger out on the walkers, but he is also starting to act winey as though he does not want to be there and there is that scene in which he would not let that walker go, so he is turning into how Michonne was when we first met her. Though, Michonne is picking up on that and tells him that he really needs to stop acting that way and that it is helping no one. I liked that she did that and Tyreese may stop acting like that now. I am somewhat interested in the direction they are going in with Tyreese and Michonne. Later, we find out something new about the new guy. I always had a slight suspicion about him, but he find out that he is an alcoholic. That surprised me even though we got hints of it in earlier episodes. Then, Daryl surprisingly takes over and yells at him after he saves the bag. That was a great scene that really furthered the plot and made me very interested in the direction they are going in the new guy, and especially with Daryl.

            Now I will just talk about the overall episode. As I already said, I really enjoyed the episode. I liked the development we had with these characters and we saw them go through some interesting things. Of course there were, not quite a large number of, but a fair amount of scenes in which I started to get somewhat bored and there were a small number of scenes in which the dialogue did not work. Though, I liked this episode.

            I give this episode an 8.3/10 on the out-of-10 rating system.
            And on the grading rating system, I give the episode a B+.

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