Friday, December 20, 2013

American Horror Story: Coven First "Half" of Season Review


            Because I said I would do this, I am reviewing the first “half” (nine out of thirteen episodes) of the season of American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Coven. These nine episodes started off very good, but got less good as they went and eventually got the point of which they started to be bad. This has been a fine season overall so far, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the last few episodes of the show. But without further a due, I have to review it.

            This was an enjoyable show. Though it did have times that got dull, it used a steady, fast pace to keep the viewers’ interest in it so that they would not feel bored by it. Though, there are consequences from doing this. Most likely, the show will have many unrealistic, non-physics-following, illogical, and just plain stupid things happen. This season has those things. It is prominent all throughout the season. Though, sometimes I let it slip, because in the some episodes, the show is very fun and it is allowed, to an extent, to have things like that.

            It had some good humor in it, and it had some cool factors with the magic that is used. For the first few episodes, I thought that this season was meant to be a “fun” season. And it was good at being a fun season. Aside from the fact that there were some bad direction with bad shots and in-your-face, shaky, quick-cut action sequences, it had all the elements it needed. It was very good. Though, it does not stay fun for that long, and it turns into a drama eventually, which it is not good at.

            In Exhibit A we have the characters. They are never steady. Character development is lacking and none of the characters are good. I did not actually like any of them. None of them were that strong. The characters also stop being who they are and change into something else, which is not through development. They just change. In Exhibit B we have the storylines. Some of them were actually good, but some of them were bad. They go too far and throw away every factor that made the good storylines good to ruin them. In Exhibit C we have the writing. None of the scripts for the episodes are particularly good, and some of them were bad. The dialogue was bad, too. There were some humorous lines, but the dramatic dialogue was not good. In our final exhibit, Exhibit D, we have the content. Some things happen just to have disgustingness. Some events and scenes go way over-the-top in what was happening to ruin any credibility at all the scene had before. Some things go way too far to try to demonstrate something which it did not need to go to the lengths it did to demonstrate.

            That is not much, but that is all I have to say about the first nine episodes of American Horror Story: Coven. It was a very enjoyable show with very little dull moments and many fun elements, but it had bad writing and not-so-great direction. I did like it and think it was good overall, but I am afraid the last four episodes of the season may not be good at all. We will have to just wait and see.

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