Monday, October 21, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 2 "Infected" Review


            No prologue paragraph, I am getting strait to the characters. I will start with Rick. The prison gets attacked and he freaks out. I think it somewhat scares him. Later in the episode, he has dialogue with Daryl in whom Daryl tells him that they need Rick, the real zombie-killing leader Rick, to step up and help them. Then, the amazing scene with the pigs happens. He has to feed to the pigs to the Walkers so they will not knock down the gates, and because the pigs are starting to get infected and spread the infection. Great acting in that scene by Andrew Lincoln as you can see Rick is struggling in doing this. Later, in what can be argued the most important scene in the episode, Rick burns down his little pig farm, gives Carl his gun, and puts his gun on himself. I like that Rick is back to being the Rick I know now, but that was hard for his character. It was like the character was reborn and redeveloped. That was a spectacular scene and I hope for more like it. The writing behind that scene is perfect. Not that it does everything right for what it was, but we really needed that for this storyline. I love the direction they are going with Rick’s character.

            Next, I will be talking about Carl. He is now asking for his gun back, because he needs his gun. The stocking thing about that is, though, that when his dad basically said that that is ridiculous, Carl actually treats his dad with respect. Then, when Michonne gets in some trouble, he has to save her by using another gun. That seems to freak him out, which is realistic and understandable for the fact that he probably has not used a gun in months. Then, when his dad gives him his gun back, he is shocked, but still likes it. Carl understands that he needs to be able to use a gun, but not on everything he sees now. I really like the direction they are going in with his character.

            Now we have Carol, the one that we do not remember. Her character is now much more tough and hardcore than she has ever been. She is now like the go-to-girl to get your kids to be afraid of walkers, but in that way that they really want to kill the walkers. The very sad scene when the girl’s dad is dying shows them what the world is really like with an amazingly well written scene. Carol really took a lot in when she dad to kill the father. When the older of the girls decides to do it, I almost yelled “Yes!” at my television because that needs to happen. Though, I did not like when she chickened out. Though, she made up for it when she took Carol’s knife later. I then really started to like the direction they are going in with those girls. Those girls are not the greatest actresses in the world now, but I am pretty sure throughout the season they will improve. I also almost love the direction they are going in with Carol. She is now a very strong female character.

            Now I will get to the short time we have with Tyreese. I will mostly talk about the scene at the end when Karen died. Though, earlier when she showed symptoms of being infected with the virus, I did not think what they should do with her. But someone took it into their own hands… Or so we think. It was very shocking and very unpredictable that she died, and how she died. It did, of course, obviously look like someone when into her cell, grabbed her, and they might have had some trouble so they had to knock her out, then gotten her outside to burn her. Though, she could have turned into a walker and attacked someone, so that is just the way they killed her. The scene where we see that she died was more shocking than sad to me. It really did not have enough time to be sad, because we get two half-a-second shots of her dead body, and one of Tyreese somewhat freaking out. I do like that the next episode could be a who-done-it episode, and I liked how unpredictable that event was.

            It is now time to talk about this episode in general. If you have not already noticed, I thought that this episode was great. It had some action and some great character development. I have already talked about the character development, so now it is time to get to the action. The first sequence when the prison is under attack, while intense, was not riveting or incredibly thrilling. It did have some good walker kills, but nothing terribly special. Of course it was very enjoyable, but I believe it definitely could have been better. Though, the sequence with the falling fence was unexpected to me, and was very intense. I am not going to say that it is thrilling, because it does not try to be. It did what it set out to do and I that is basically all I can say about it. I will mention some flaws I had with the episode, though. When the shower walker walked into the block, he walked past some of the cells and picked one in particular. Then, after walking around when everyone is asleep, making noise, with no one hearing him. He walks into a cell, and starts eating that guy, being even louder, and still not being heard. Then, him and the new walker walk outside the cell to go to another one without anyone hearing them. Other than that, all I have to say is that the action sequences had a somewhat large area for improvement and the episode was not spectacular.

            On the grading rating scale, I give this episode an A-.
            On the out-of-10 scale, I give the episode a 9.0/10.

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