Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Bridge Season 1 Finale "The Crazy Place" Review


            The finale of The Bridge is here and I am here to review it. Soon, I will be getting a review of The Bridge Season 1. Now, though, I will talk about its overall underwhelming finale.

            I will start with Sonya. Now, Sonya is basically over Marco and I have no idea why. The show never illustrated why she does not really want to “be” with Marco anymore, and apparently she is almost over it (other than her putting the tape in at the end of the episode). She does, though, want to work the case, and, as she said “with Marco”. So, she is showing some emotional connection with wanting to be with him. But her character overall progressed through this episode, all in all. She basically became Sonya again. Now, she is more helpful than she was at the beginning of season, and… She is mostly over wanting to “be” with Marco. With the small case they [Sonya and Marco] are working on, though, he calls all of the shots. It is in Juarez, and Marco knows that place better, but she is a good detective. She usually calls the shots. Think about it; they found the girl because of Marco, and he had Sonya take her across the border to America. And, about them finding the girl, I am ok with that due to the fact that it is a season finale, but, as I said, I was underwhelmed by this episode. I did NOT enjoy it much less because of that fact. I decided that this was going to be a talking episode. I just thought half the episode “Oh, they are going to run into some trouble… Someone is in the backseat of that car!” and they were not in the backseat. This was a calm season finale. Back to Sonya, that is basically all I can say. She did progress as a character, but nothing really happened. Though, at the end of the episode, when she went over to Marco’s house and asked for a drink, I did see something. She just went over there to tell him something in the end. That was some good dialogue between them. She actually reveals something about herself, too! That is a big thing for her character. You could say that scene was a change in her character, but as I said, she is becoming more helpful now. I do see something in that, though.
            Now, I will get to Marco. Now, he still is mourning over his son, of course, but he cleaned himself up and is getting back to work. He still is carrying around the picture of his son and the knife. He seems fine to everyone else. He wants to work the case and he works the case. In the episode he does progress for a while, but then he regresses at the end. He is the character that goes through the most in this episode, because nothing really happens in this episode. When Sonya came over and told him that he probably wants David Tate to be dead, he actually thinks about it. Also, I did like that he took over when they were in Juarez to get that girl to El Paso, even though I already said that. Anyway, at the end when he [Marco] goes up to the really powerful guy whose name I cannot remember, and says he wants David Tate dead, I though “Here we go. This is the big thing of the episode.” And, that is the big thing of the episode. That was a moment where it became intense off of dialogue and nothing else.

            Here are my thoughts on what happened with Charlotte. She is now in the business and I like that she is even giving her boyfriend orders. Her storyline seems to have a message in it. Look back to the first episode when she is really sad because her husband died a sudden death, and she is finding out all of these things he kept from and is terrified. Now, she is using those things that at first terrified her against other people and to give herself power. The message would be: If you obtain an easy chance to get power, and it could even terrify you at first, you could use it against people and become a monster because of it. And, I think she may start to get darker in future episodes. That could very well happen to her. In this episode, her character was made aware of how dangerous what she is doing is, and that she could very well get caught.

            Now, I will talk about Daniel Frye. He finds that woman, she is dead, and he finds all of this money. The cops take it as evidence, and then he gets a message, which I think is from is editor. I was confused about that. The message tells him to forget the money and asks “Who is {insert name here}?” I am guessing that the note was from his editor, because he then started writing about the lady. I guess the money will be left open for season two. Hopefully it will be.

            Lastly, I will get to the guy who talks through his teeth. All that happens is he gets his “bride”. I guess he is probably happy about that.

            This episode, while underwhelming for a finale, kept me interested and had very few dull moments. Is it everything I wanted it to be? No, there is no way that this met my expectations. Though, for what this episode was, it was very good. It had some intense scenes, it had good dialogue, and it had intense scenes just on dialogue. That is almost all it needs to do what it sets out to do.

            I rate this episode a B+ and an 8.1/10.

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