Saturday, October 5, 2013

"Gravity" Movie Review

            Whoever scheduled a movie to come out this weekend probably called Gravity a “stupid space movie with Sandra Bullock”. They really are paying for it now.

            Gravity stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. I will go ahead and say this: The acting was great. A large portion of the movie is Sandra Bullock by herself on a green screen, and she still did great doing on the set. George Clooney also did great himself. This movie has great acting.

            The writing in this film had me sometimes, but also did not have me sometimes. The first half of it was great and I did not have very many flaws with it. I really only had two major flaws with it. The first one is that it had a bit too much dialogue, and some of it seemed. I will address my other flaw later. I liked how characters’ actions transpired and they seemed real. The second half, on the other hand, was still good, but I had several flaws with it. The whole time it did have an attempt at capturing emotion and showing emotion (my other flaw with the first half), but in the second half it was much more prominent than in the first half. There was one scene where they just threw emotion in your face and it did not work. It also did not blend in with the mood of this movie. That scene was the worst part of the movie. There were also two strange things that happened in that scene. One was completely unnecessary, the other, a lazy way for an event to transpire. The scene lasted too long, too. But, the events were written well and I liked that when there was destruction, there was no sound. The screenplay of the movie was alright.

            The film did not really have a deep story, but that is alright because of the type of movie it is. I will just mention the events here, except for Ryan’s (Sandra Bullock) back story. I liked that she did have a back story, but they threw the back story in your face. If they were going to do that, I think that they should have had a deeper and bigger back story. I liked the events of the film, though, and they had a very large sense of realism to it. Many people have been saying that this could really happen, which I think the way it started could really happen. But, I do not think everything would transpire the way it did. Anyway, it did have strong and intense events, which made the movie better. Though, the second half had events that made the story seem to end at one point, but it did not end. If someone in the audience thinks a movie is going to end, then their brain switches to “about to get up and leave the theater” mode. That would make the rest of the film lest enjoyable for them. So, that element of the plot brought the film down. I thought the way the movie concluded was alright, but it got somewhat over-the-top. This film had very good events, an interesting premise, and an alright story.

            While Gravity sustains the audience’s interest in its characters, it does not have much to work with as it goes on, but this film surprisingly has few parts that are not enjoyable. The only scene I found completely boring was what I called “the worst part of the movie”. The time it felt like it was going to end was the scene right before it. After the scene that I thought was boring, though, the film picked up, but not that much. It had some moments of intensity, but not very much. That was because of the time I thought it was going to end and because of the “worst part of the movie”. It did have some dull moments as the movie was wrapping up, but, other than the intense moments, the other scenes as the film was wrapping up were entertaining. The first half had several moments of intensity, and had no dull moments. It was all enjoyable, most of it very enjoyable. The second half (before the film “ends”) had moments of intensity, but those were usually shorter moments that were not as intense. It also had a very small number of dull moments. Overall, this movie was very enjoyable.

            The special effects in this movie, like everyone is saying, are great. Most people are saying it looks real, which it mostly does, but in a very small number of moments, I could tell when CGI was used.
Also, I went for Sandra Bullock in the movie. I wanted her to succeed. Though, many people have been saying that you “go for Bullock so much!” and I did not go for Bullock “so much!” If she had randomly died I would have cared, but not an incredible amount.

            Overall, Gravity had great acting, an alright script, very good events, an interesting premise, an alright story, was very enjoyable, had great special effects, and I went for Bullock, but it had flaws with the script and some dull moments. Gravity is a very good movie. I do recommend seeing this in the theater, and in IMAX, but the 3D is not worth it. If cannot get just IMAX tickets, then get tickets to a regular showing.

            On my rating system, I rate the film “Worth Seeing At The Theater”.
            On the grading rating system, I give the movie an A-.
            On the out-of-10 rating system, I give Gravity an 8.3/10.

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