Monday, March 3, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 12 "Still" Review


        With another episode of The Walking Dead comes another review of that episode from me. Last week’s episode of the show started to lose people, and The Walking Dead is known for bringing its audiences to the point where they might want to stop watching it, but then throw out a huge, awesome, slam-bang action sequence. Therefore, I was thinking that this episode might have been that. Though, it turned out to be the exact opposite.

            I liked last week’s episode, but I was not a fan of this one. Because of that, I am going to start out with the things I liked about the episode. The opener of this episode, when Daryl and Beth get into the trunk of the car, was really good. There is also a moment soon after that when Beth is up against the tree, hiding herself from the walkers. With the way that scene was shot, it was very suspenseful. Also, it was a well-crafted scene.

            Overall, the episode was not one I got bored with. It was an episode that I enjoyed watching for the most part. The walker kills were not bad and it was directed fine. The execution of the episode is not really the problem, here.

            Those are the only things I liked about the episode. Here are the things that I did not like about the episode. First off, it was a dull episode, story-wise. It did not really progress at all. It got nowhere. On top of that, the script here is bad. The dialogue coming out of these actors’ mouths was not good and I am really starting to not care for the characters.

            Randomly, all of the sudden, Beth believes that she needs a drink in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. And she makes Daryl take her into to town, risking both of their lives just so she can find one bottle of alcohol and no clean cups and sit there, crying about it. Then, she makes Daryl take her to another place to find a drink. Along the way she is whining about his mood and how he did not help her kill the walker that he was not there to see. I was ready for her to get bit. And on a side note, the walkers in this episode follow the same path as walkers have doing lately on The Walking Dead. They are getting a hold of the person, but not biting them.

            Beth was not the only character I was starting to get mad at. I also got a little mad at Daryl. I do not like their storyline anymore. I am ready for it to end. I do not care about Daryl anymore. Now, I do not mind if he gets bitten. I was starting to get annoyed by the time he was still taking her constant whining and not doing anything about it. I was ready for him to yell at her. Then, when he finally does, the writers are able to find the dumbest reason they could have possibly come up with for Daryl to get mad. Beth thinks that he has gone to prison, and he does not like that.

            He decides to go outside and throw a fit, while no other walkers hear him yelling, and then, he randomly switches moods from mad to sad and starts crying because he thinks that it might have been hid fault that some of the other people died.

            The dialogue here was bad and the writer(s) of this episode basically tore apart some these characters and ruined this storyline. Although this episode was not boring, it did not go anywhere. Although it was very well-shot, directed, and acted, it was written poorly. This episode about evens itself out to being mediocre, but I think that it deserves a grade lower than mediocre. This was definitely not a good episode. Though, it was not quite a bad one.

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