Saturday, March 29, 2014

"Noah" Movie Review

        Noah is the adaptation of the story from the Bible where Noah is sent a message from God that Earth will be flooded to get rid of all of the bad people, so he needs to build an arc to save all of the animals. This film is directed by Darren Aronofsky and stars Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, and Emma Watson.

            Noah is a very good looking film. It has beautiful cinematography that helped immerse me into this environment. Most of the shots are framed really well, although some were a bit too close. The CGI was also handled very well. Very little of it looked bad and the rest looked great.
The acting here was also very good. Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, and Emma Watson all play their characters really well.
The direction here is also good. Aronofsky helped keep all of the actors on the same level, so they would not overshadow each other, and he also handled the camera very well. Aronofsky knew when to do a long take, a close up, or a wide shot. Though, there was some over-use of “shaky cam” that was not necessary for anything.
The score here is, as well, very good. It helped further the movie and worked for the tone of the film.

            Where this film falls is the pacing and the script. Pacing-wise, this movie is all over the place. It has a very rocky beginning, and then for a while I still did not get into it. It took a while for me to actually get into it. It was at the halfway mark of the film. Though, after that, it started to get very dull. It had some really good moments, but, for the most part, it was a constant up-and-down pattern. There were some very good and intense moments of the movie, but for most of it, I was not particularly enjoying it. Though, it was not boring.
            Where the writing falls is not in the dialogue, but in the characters. The dialogue was fine. It had nothing special, but it was not bad. Though, we barely had any development of these characters. That was one of the reasons the film was hard to latch on to. We did not have good characters. Also, the film is too long. Some scenes definitely could have been cut out of the film.

            Overall, Noah is still a good movie. It is very well done in most of its aspects, but the script is not the best. It has striking visuals, a very good score, very good direction, and very good acting. Though, the pacing is not very good. There is definitely room for improvement here, even though this is not a bad movie.

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