Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 13 "Alone" Review


        The Walking Dead aired two nights ago and I would have reviewed it then if daylight savings time did not make me so tired that I was incapable of reviewing it. At least I am reviewing it today, though. Without further ado, it is time to get started.

            It is hard to come up with things to say about this episode. It is an episode where I have just about no flaws, just a few nit-picks, and only one or two things that I liked about it. I did enjoy the episode. It did have some dull moments, but I never got full-on bored. Though, nothing ever got very exciting. There was that one walker attack with Daryl that could have had some viewers on the edge of their seats, but I knew that Daryl was not going to die.

            I guess I will start off with the nit-picks I have with the episode. Though, there really are not that many. Other than the one I just mentioned, I only have one, and that is that the walker attacks were a bit silly. The walker kills are getting worse and worse as the series is going along. There are some times that people should have been dead in this episode. I did not like that.

            Before I get into the few things I really liked about the episode, I will mention one plot point that I have good and bad things to say about. It is when Beth gets kidnapped. It was unexpected, so I give the writers credit for that, but it did not really need to happen. This is just another thing to slow down the plot so that the characters can have another problem on their hands. I really do not want the rest of this season to be about getting Beth back. Well, anyway, there are good things about it; like that the writers definitely could have chosen a worse plot point to keep the group in Georgia. This could have been a good plot point in the series if it was under better circumstances. I also like that Daryl meets new people at the end. That has potential to be interesting. The contents of the event are not the problem I have with it. The event just did not need to happen.

            Now I finally get to get into what I like about the episode, other than the fact that I did not get bored watching it. The plot was really furthered in this episode. With this Terminus place continuing to become more of a plot point, with it being that every one of our groups, except for Daryl and Beth, going there, that it will be the big thing at the end of this season. We got two groups covered with this one, and one of them was covered in about ten seconds. I really like that Sasha, Maggie, and the other guy are going. And I also like that Glenn is going. This could cause for a good end to the season. Also, we have some little character progressions with the characters in the two groups the episode focused on before the last ten seconds.

            I, overall, thought that it was a good episode. I had a few little nit-picks with smaller things, but I enjoyed the episode and it furthered the plot much more than last episode. Last episode was a dud. This one was a big improvement.

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