Saturday, March 8, 2014

"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" Blu-Ray + Movie Review

            The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was released on Blu-Ray yesterday, which gave me a chance to finally watch the movie and review it. Though, I figured that I should also review the Blu-Ray conversion of the movie, so I will review both of them here. I will start with the Blu-Ray conversion.


          This is a somewhat visual movie. For the first half, when it takes place going around the districts, it is not that visual. Though, the entire second half, inside the hunger games, was very visual. So this Blu-Ray conversion would have to do a good job at making the two settings seem very different. It does a great job at that. Everything in the hunger games seems very visual and immersive. Outside of the hunger games, it seems somewhat dull. Though, that is sometimes a problem with the movie. During the first half, the lighting was too boring. Though, the overall picture quality was very good. For a bit part of the movie, it lit up the pixels on the T.V. with a good color scheme.


          Though the film is not huge on audio, the audio quality of Blu-Ray has to be good, or else something will seem off. Here, the audio sounded good. Nothing seemed off and it sounded somewhat immersive. When the audio gets really loud in the film, I could feel the intensity through the audio. During the hunger games, it almost seemed like the audio was surrounding me, and it is always best when the audio does that. The score was another thing that sounded very good here. It really did seem like what the score was supposed to sound like.


                Many people were not satisfied with The Hunger Games and were hoping for this one to be better. With me thinking that The Hunger Games was actually overrated and just an alright movie, I was also hoping for this one to be better. I wanted it to be darker, better-directed, have better characters and action, and also seem less thin than the first. The first one just seemed like it introduced the character, and then we are off to the hunger games. This one met with almost all of those expectations.

            First off, the action in this film was directed in a much better style than it was in The Hunger Games. There were no moments where I could not tell what was going on due to the use of “shaky cam”. There was also no very quick-cut editing during the action. For the most part, I could tell what was going on. And for the most part, the film was directed fine. The actors did well under this direction and the style of filming did not bother me. Also, there were hints of great direction.

            This is a very good-looking movie. During the hunger games scenes, it is very visual and the visuals look good. Some did look a bit cheesy, but for the most part, I bought into the CG. Outside of the hunger games, the lighting of the film matched the tone. It was somewhat dark, but not too dark. The lighting was able to help carry out this tone, so the cinematographer did a very good job. Also, the tone worked for what the movie was then. It had some great themes that this entire series aimed for, but the themes were missing from the first one. Here, they are present and they work extremely well.
            I was nearly intrigued with what was going on before the hunger games started. I liked President Snow’s plan and was interested in what he was going to do. I was also interested in what was happening was District 12 and everything else. There were some intense scenes here. Many people complained that the hunger games did not start until halfway into the movie, but the reason for that was that the filmmakers were aiming to make the audience interested in not the hunger games, but the world outside of the hunger games. I thought that was executed very well.

            To me, the plot of this movie was very surprisingly unpredictable. I really did not see the ending coming at all. And before the hunger games, I really did not know what was going to happen. I was pleasantly surprised at how much enjoyment that added to the movie. I enjoyed this movie for the most part. There were a few dull moments, but it was an enjoyable experience. Also, I loved the ending. It was a great ending. I am now somewhat looking forward to The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1.

            With all of these things I liked about the movie, there were definitely things I did not like about it. In fact, the pros and cons of this movie are almost equal. One of my flaws is that even thought I had no problems with how the action was filmed, it was very underwhelming action. I did not feel intensity exhilaration when watching the action, and I think that was because of how the action was choreographed and crafted. It did not have any edge-of-your seat moments.

            Like its predecessor, this film has many, many conveniences and several things that definitely would not have really happened. Some of the conveniences, I could deal with. But some were too big for me to put with. Many of the conveniences took me out of the movie. Many of the things that definitely would not have happened were bigger than the conveniences and those also took me out of the movie.

            While most of directing in this film was fine, there was some directing that was not good. In some of the scenes, there were way too many cuts and it just felt like several isolated shots that were not part of one scene. Some of the scenes, I could tell, were not directed like they should have been. Sometimes, this took away from the enjoyment. There were some boring moments in this film. There were times when I just wanted the film to move on. I was ready for something else.

            A very surprising thing to me while watching this movie was that there were many really bad lines and there were several scenes that were written poorly. Some of the lines were very cheesy and did not work. Sometimes I could tell what the writers were aiming for in the screenplay, but it was either not executed well or the writers did not write it like they should have. There were also many clichés in the writing. I am not talking about the plot, but the construction of the scenes. Some lines were clichéd and some minor events were clichéd. Some scenes, in general, were clichéd. This factor of the script was unpleasantly surprising to me.

            While the film does have its flaws, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a good movie, in my opinion, that is still better than the first. The Blu-Ray conversion here is also very good so I recommend at least renting this Blu-Ray if you have never watched the movie before.

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