Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Gravity" Blu-Ray + Movie Reviews


            Gravity has now been released on Blu-Ray today so everyone who raved about the film back in October can now pick it up and watch it again, and those of us who did not quite get why it had such a buzz can try it again and find out why it was raved about so much… If you have not guessed by the last sentence, I did not love the movie the first time I saw it. Yes, I did think it was a very well done movie, but in the story aspect, I did not get it as much. Though, I got it this time. I will talk about the movie last. First I will talk about the Blu-Ray.


            For a movie with cinematography this fantastic and visual effects this excellent, the Blu-Ray will have to be extremely good to show how good these two aspects really are. Though, this is a great Blu-Ray. The visuals here are very immersive to the point where it almost seemed like it was in the theater. And the special effects were carried over extremely well, too. It looked like what it feels like it is supposed to look like and all of these visuals look awesome. The visuals really look like they did in the theater and the colors are handled well.


          The audio quality here is also great, but I have a minor flaw I am going to start out with. When mixing the audio tracks together, the volume tracks got too loud, so the speakers are very easily overpowered. Though, that is my only flaw. The audio itself sounds great. You really get the full track and can feel everything working in it. Also, the use of placing sounds in different places really worked. By the editors making it sound like sounds were coming from different directions, it really felt like I was there.


          As advertised, this Blu-Ray has over three hours of bonus features about the making of the film, and these special features are fantastic. While I have watched less than half of them, I already know many things about how the film was made. The special features really go deep into detail and there are many of them.


          As I already said, the first time I saw this movie, I did not like it nearly as much as I did this time. I thought it was a really good movie, but I thought that it was very overrated and I had flaws with it. Though, upon this viewing I realized that some of the flaws I had were there to explore the underlying themes. For example, when Matt (George Clooney) talks to Ryan (Sandra Bullock) while she is at 2% Oxygen, the dialogue seemed forced and I did not think it was wise to talk to someone who is at 2% Oxygen. Though, upon this viewing I realized that Mat was actually calming Ryan down. She had stopped gulping in air so fast. Also, here, we learn more about the characters and see their roles in the themes, because these characters are how the themes get across. I will not state the underlying themes of the movie, though. They are very much up to everyone’s own interpretation and this is not as analysis of Gravity.
            The directing of this film is for sure the best directing of the year and the camerawork in this film is some of the best camerawork in many years. With the way the camera slowly moves, it gives us the idea of just floating in space and helps suck us into this environment. And the directing of other elements in the scene is excellent, too. The direction of these actors really helps get the themes across, as does the moving around of the actors. Also, the cinematography here is excellent. Down to every detail, the cinematography seems to get everything correct in the design of the interior and exterior of these satellites and space stations.
            The acting here is also excellent. While Sandra Bullock being on a green screen by herself for the majority of the film, she does a fantastic job. George Clooney also does an excellent job mastering and becoming his character. I did not see George Clooney in this movie, I saw Matt Kowalski. And also, despite its tiny little things, this film is very, very realistic. I believe this is what it would be like to be in space.
            The script here is actually excellent. Some of the dialogue here seems like dialogue real people would say. I related to these characters some of the time just because I heard what they said. Also, the dialogue going inside of the characters worked very well. It all fit together perfectly to make this movie.

            I could have said obvious things about this movie such as how intense it is and how much the audience pulls for Bullock’s character, and how awe-inspiring the visual effects are, but that would just be stating things everyone already knows. Yes, these are some of the best special effects of all time, and yes, this film is extremely intense. Though, those are not the only factors that make this movie excellent. There is also the directing, acting, writing, cinematography, and the score that really held this movie. The score here really captures everything the silence misses. It is loud when it needs to be and quiet when it needs to be. Anyway, this is, for sure, an excellent movie that has a reason for being loved by the critics.

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