Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale "A" Review

        Season 4 of The Walking Dead comes to a close with the season finale, “A”. After I saw this episode, I thought that it would be a very polarizing episode, and it seems to be turning out that way. Here are my thoughts.

            I really liked this episode. I did not have any true flaws with it. Though, I did have a flaw with this half of the season at the end. But right now, I am going to talk about the things I liked about it. First off, this is a very fast-paced episode. It got to just about everything it needed to get to very quickly. And I was just about riveted for half of this episode. For the other half we got some really cool character progression (technically regression) in Rick. This is told through flashbacks… and him biting out of that one guy’s neck.

            In the flashbacks, we see Rick’s transformation from a crazy leader into a farmer. Now, we are seeing him go back to a crazy leader. But we see his side of it. We see that he is still Rick and not always this lunatic. He did what he had to do to protect his son. I really liked seeing that. And the scene where we see that is riveting. We have four things going on at once, and it was pulled off masterfully. Even if Rick did not bite into that guy’s neck, the scene still would have been fantastic. And it was not only directed and shot masterfully; the score really fit the “going crazy” tone that it was going for.

Later, we get some more character development before the big finale. We see that Carl thinks that he is a monster, and that is where we learn that Rick is still Rick. That character development is not as interesting in the development we got earlier, but it definitely is not dull.

            After all of this, we get the big finale at Terminus. Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and Carl choose to go in the back. Though, they see that everything seems to be fine at the beginning and they are introduced to Terminus. But they soon see that things are not right, and the people there are wearing the clothes that other people in their group had. They quickly catch on to this, and we get another riveting scene. At first it seems like the Terminus people have terrible aim, and the scene was almost ruined, but we find out the Terminus people were not trying to hit them, but guide them. I found that a very smart move in the writing.

            And then, finally, they go in the train, and Glenn and Maggie’s group is there. We then get the last words that have aggravated many, both made many cheer. “They’re messing with the wrong people.” Personally, for me, it did give me the idea of cheering, but I was a bit mad. I was expecting Rick to say something that he knew that no one else knew that he knew. Though, it was pretty cool. As for the ending, I am a bit mad that about three episodes during this half of the season just wasted time so that there was not enough time in the last three episodes for much to happen, but at least it leaves us wanting more and not less. So I will dismiss the ending as fine.

            Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I was just about riveted by half of it, and enjoyed the other half. It had a good interest in the characters, so it did not seem dull. This was also a very well-done episode overall. The action sequences all had a very close-up and intense feel that was pulled off very well and made the sequences so intense.

            There are still two things left open. Are we ever going to see Beth again? What will happen to Carol and Tyreese? I am thinking they may be part of the other crew’s escape from Terminus. There still is the buried bag of guns right outside the fences of Terminus. The beginning of season five could be pretty awesome. We just have to wait and see…

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