Friday, February 21, 2014

"Cloud Atlas" Blu-Ray Collection Movie Review



            Now it is time for my fifth Blu-Ray Collection Movie Review, and for this one I have decided to do the film Cloud Atlas. This was a very polarizing film when it came out (only two years ago in 2012). Basically, the audience was split into the ones that loved it and the ones that hated it. I was obviously one of those who loved it.


          I believe that this is a great movie. The six-story setup with pulled off masterfully. Though, this is not just six different stories, there are some very good underlying themes that run through all of these stories, which are what really connect them. Our biggest underlying themes are good and evil, or not knowing one from another, but there are others, too. There is imprisonment and freedom and helping others or torturing others. And even behind the underlying themes this is a great movie. It is great-looking. All of these sets are fantastic. It is greatly directed. This whole entire execution was done very well and both the action scenes and the directing of the actors were done extremely well. These six storylines are also all fascinating in their different ways. There was not one storyline that I was not excited to see. The screenplay writers and the directors did a great job at evening out every story. And there are excellent links between the stories, too. They are hard to find, but it seems brilliant to me when I find them. There is a huge amount of small connections between these stories in the movie. Lastly, this film has top-notch performances. This huge cast pulls off all of their roles very well.


          The sound here is great. It was masterfully edited into this Blu-Ray and, itself, was immersive. With the way these sounds were edited into the Blu-Ray, it seemed that I was where the actors were. It felt like I was right into the movie. The other thing about the sound is that it did not seem to overpower the speakers at all. It stayed steady the whole time. Also, there was a wide range of volume that the sounds seemed to go up and down throughout the movie. When edited into the movie, the editors would make sure that they were quiet when they needed to be and loud when they needed to be.


          This is one of best Blu-Rays I own for the picture quality. This movie looks excellent on Blu-Ray. In each different story, the place had a different look to it. This was fantastically translated to the Blu-Ray. It is very easy to tell how different all these places look. One thing that would have been hard to convert into the Blu-Ray was how bright some of the scenes are, because this is a visual movie. But there is no worry for that here, because the visual elements of the film look excellent on Blu-Ray. Another thing about the quality is that I was sucked into all of these environments. The converters did an excellent job of catching all of the viewers’ attention with the look of this film. One last incredible thing about this Blu-Ray, which is probably the best thing about this Blu-Ray, is what the people look like. In most movies, the actors all look like they are in a movie. With all of the lighting, they do not look like they would if you saw them in real life. That aspect usually makes it to the Blu-Ray, too. Though, here, the people do not seem like they are in a movie. They all seem like this could be what they would look like in real life.

            This is a great Blu-Ray and a great movie. Every time I see this movie I notice one or two things about it that I did not see before. I am immersed into this movie through the sound and look.

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