Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl Trailer Reviews - Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Transformers: Age of Extinction



            During the Super Bowl, there were several trailers for upcoming movies. The ones listed above were some of them, but not the only ones. Though, they are the only ones that I really care about; therefore, I am only reviewing those.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

            The first trailer for this film really surprised me in that it had a political statement and took things more seriously, while having a cool villain and some cool action. It was a really good trailer. This trailer is great. There are three versions of it: the fifteen-second teaser for the thirty second T.V. spot, the thirty second T.V. spot, and the full two minute, thirty second trailer. The full trailer is the one that I am talking about. I will start out with its small flaws. The villain in this trailer seems to not have a very good motive. It looks like he just wants to do but and that is it. I think there should have been something more about the villain in the trailer that is not people just talking about him. My other flaw is that this trailer is looking like the film could have a thin script. It may be able to back up every encounter with a reason. The action may seem meaningless.
            Now that I have gotten all of my flaws with this trailer out of the way, I can talk about its good stuff. It again has a very seriously and spy movie-like feel to it in that it is not just a fun, action-filled trailer. Although I just mentioned that the trailer makes the film look like there may be many meaningless aspects, there are aspects that look like they have a meaning. This trailer also has great shots and it looks like the cinematographer really needs the shots to be good, which is a good thing for the film. I am feeling that Captain America will get more character development in this film, because the trailer almost makes the film look like it is going to go into his past. We also might get some character progression with Captain America and see him change. Though, I think others, like Nick Fury, could change, too. This trailer also has some amazingly directed, awesome, exhilarating, and extremely well-executed action that I am really looking forward to seeing on the big screen. This villain in this film seems very imposing to Shield (and out heroes), so I think Shield will really have to work to defeat him, and I would like to see Shield face a big challenge.
            That is what I think of the Captain America: The Winter Soldier Super Bowl trailer. It is a great trailer that really got me excited for the film.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

            This is the second trailer for this film. The first trailer was not that good. It made the film seem like a convoluted mess with three thin-to-point-where-they are-nearly-empty villains. I am glad that I can say that this trailer is a big improvement. There are also three versions of this trailer: the teaser for the T.V. spot, the T.V. spot, and the full trailer. Again, I am talking about the full trailer. First, I will mention some cons. The three villains are still a problem, whatsoever. It will be hard for three villains to work, and this trailer still makes the film seem like the villain aspect of it could be a bit convoluted. Also, the villains do not seem like they would work together. They seem like they would all want to be on their own, from what we see in this trailer. My last flaw is that Electro’s motive for not being a hero like Spider-Man and wanting to kill him is that, although Spider-Man remembers him even though he is some sparkly thing now, he does not remember Electro’s name within ten seconds of seeing him.
            Now I can tell why this is a big improvement over the first trailer. It looks like we will learn more of why Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and generally more about his character through his conversations with Gwen Stacy. We also learned in this trailer why Max Dillon wanted to become Electro in the first place. It is also a good motive for Max to want to be a hero. We also see cool action in this trailer that would definitely look cool on the big screen, because of the fact that it is well directed and very good-looking. Also, the people at Ozcorp have a good motive to why they want Spider-Man off the streets. Think about it, he stopped one bad thing from happening, so he is a threat to Ozcorp, because they are evil. This is told through a hero message that it is very hard to be a hero and you will always have big enemies.
            Those are my thoughts on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl trailer. Despite its flaws, it is a very good trailer that has sparked my interest in the film.

Transformers: Age of Extinction

                This is the first trailer of any kind that we are getting for this film and it only has one version: the thirty second T.V. spot. As I expected, this film does not look good at all. When Michael Bay is the director of a film, most likely it will be bad. Here, I will start off with the good things. I am glad Mark Wahlberg is involved, because he can give good performances. And frankly, just about anyone would be better than Shia LaBeouf. The next thing is that the film has potential to have cool action, despite the style. It looks like some of the bigger action between the transformers could be fun to watch.
            It is now time for me to tell you why I am not looking forward to this film. The action in this trailer goes too far. At one point, we have a robot falling backwards in slow-motion, shooting two machine guns. We have seen people do that before. That is on the line of too far. But a robot doing it at skyscraper height is definitely too far. This trailer is edited stupidly. It has the conventional quick-cut style with cool sound effects to keep audiences still interested. This trailer also has silly and bad-looking CGI. None of the robots look like they are actually there. And the lighting does not work. If it is at night, make the CGI lighting for the robots dimmer. Lastly, and of course, we have our Michael Bay stamps. There is constant slow-motion use. There is a lot of people running in slow-motion, most of the time from an explosion. There are overly processed colors that almost blinded my eyes. And, of course, we have what Michael Bay is famous for, a lot of explosions. Firework-like, random explosions are in these thirty seconds, a lot. These Michael Bay stamps are always bad. I am pretty sure this film will not be good.

            That is why I think that this is really not a good trailer at all and why I am not looking forward to this film.

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