Friday, January 17, 2014

Prometheus - Blu-Ray Collection Movie Review


           It is time for my Blu-Ray collection film review that I do once a month. In this video, I go over why I have the film on Blu-Ray and I discuss my thoughts on the Blu-Ray. This month, I am doing Prometheus, a film that not a lot of people will have on Blu-Ray.

The Film

            Prometheus is a very engaging and inventive film. It also has great cinematography. It almost took me to the place that they were in and it helped me adapt to that environment. It made the film as engaging as it was. The cinematography is helped by the direction of the film, which is great. This is one of Ridley Scott’s good films. I think it is a great film. In the midst of great execution, the central ideas and crafting behind the plot and screenplay of the film have greatness. For example, there are great themes and there is great dialogue. The themes really make us think and question everything about the creation of life, and our lives as humans. It makes us think. These themes are primarily told through the great dialogue the film has. With the character of David, we get to see what a robot that thinks on its own could be like. And there is just great dialogue in general. This is also a very original plot. One last thing is that this film is an excellent combination of three films: a science fiction film that makes us question life, an Alien prequel that shows us how several things came to play, and a science fiction horror movie. It melds these three genres into just about every scene, instead of separating them. There is also intensity with the horror/action parts of this film.

Picture Quality
            This film has nearly top-notch picture quality. With the cinematography being so good, the Blu-Ray conversation has to be great for it to hold up to the cinematography and it does. The conversion uses the pixels to their full potential and the Blu-Ray looks great all-in-all. Though, sometimes people looked like they did have a bit too much lighting, and I know that it was meant to be that way, but I think that there could have been a better job done by the converters. Also, some scenes do not look as good as others.

Audio Quality

            The audio quality is also great here. It captures the essence of the score and fantastic sound effects. I really got the home experience watching this film on Blu-Ray. But although it mostly does not overpower the speakers, but sometimes it does.


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