Friday, January 10, 2014

Best Found Footage Movie of All Time

            Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is in theaters right now, so I am going to tell you what my favorite found footage film of all time is. I would like to mention that I have not yet seen The Blair Witch Project, [Rec], or Cloverfield. Therefore, my favorite cannot be either one of those. My favorite is


           Chronicle came out very recently (February 3, 2012) and many people say that it is one of the best found footage movies of all time. I think it is a really good movie. It has some really cool stuff with all of these powers that these guys get and all of it is introduced very slowly and it works in almost the best way it can work. The final showdown is very cool at the cool, too. It also has character development for the main character. We get a bit of a back story and there is a great reason that all of this is being filmed. I was sold to it as soon as it was said. We have really good writing and good acting here. These people seem like they are in high school and that this is what they would do if they get these powers. The dialogue being them is really good and they seem like they are in high school. The main premise also works for this film. This film has good shots and there is also a reason behind it. Since most found footage movies have “shaky cam” and people do not like that, the shots really work here. There is only one plus to making a found footage movie: if done right, it can seem a bit real. This one is done right. There are scenes in which a character is being abused and it seems a bit real. Therefore, it is hard to watch. And I also went for the main character; therefore, there was some intensity.

            All of these reasons are why Chronicle is my favorite found footage movie. It is a really good movie and I hope we get more found footage movies like it.

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