Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Movie Review

        Being a Marvel superhero film building up toward The Avengers: Age of Ultron, this film had a lot of anticipation with it even before the trailers. Then, everyone saw the trailers, and there was a big hype for the film. I was also really looking forward to seeing this movie. Then, reviews started coming in of people saying that they loved it and it is fantastic. Critics liked it, too. Well, believe the hype, because this is the best of the Avengers Marvel movies (in my humble opinion).

            I enjoyed Captain America: The First Avenger (this film’s predecessor) and thought that it was an alright movie, but this is a great movie. It has as much action as your normal, every-day superhero movie, but it also has this very political side with the organization of S.H.I.E.D. which really works to boost this movie into a political thriller, because that is what half of it is like. The other half is a non-stop action thrill ride that is constantly riveting. These two factors help balance out the film and make it as great as it is.

            This is directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. Here, they really help the movie. You can feel how well-done this entire movie was. Though, during the action sequences, they sometimes liked to use a close-up, quick-cut style. Sometimes, it actually worked as a style and helped boost the action sequences, but sometimes, I could not tell what was going on. I have no idea why they chose to do that, because the choreography here is great. You can see all the actors in these scenes doing their own stunts and that really boosts the hand-to-hand combat element of the action sequences. It is just brought down a bit by some of the quick-cut editing that does not work here. Though, during other types of action sequences, the camerawork is really good, so the action is amazing. Though, most of the action in this movie is riveting, by the way they were done (other than some of the camerawork).

            This film has great acting: Chris Evans as Captain America, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Robert Redford as Anthony Pierce, and Anthony Mackie as Falcon. I will not say would plays The Winter Soldier, but I will say that they are fantastic and the bringing-out of The Winter Soldier is fantastic. When we get our first looks at him, he is incredibly menacing. And even as we see more and more about him, he is still incredibly menacing and an extremely strong villain. The plot goes in a very unpredictable direction in this movie that I loved. I will not spoil it, but it is a great way to go. Also, the work for the villains that are not The Winter Soldier in this movie is fantastic. It really seemed like they thought that they were doing the right thing and they did not just want to do bad.

            We get some character development on our main characters in this movie (Captain America, Black Widow, and Nick Fury) and we see them starting to go in different directions. I thought was great that we actually had character progressions in this movie and we go to see characters change. Even when there was not action on the screen, I was very interested in seeing where the plot goes and learning more about these characters. For half of this movie (action half), I was riveted and felt a huge exhilaration. For the other half, I was really interested in what was going on. This film never gets dull. The action is amazing and the score makes it all-the-better.

            While this film does have all of these great things, it still does have flaws, like the quick-cut style that does not work half the time. Though, it does not have many at all, there is one more that I would like to address. I know this is a comic-book superhero movie, but I have to address that things happen which are way too unrealistic to let slide. There were some little things that I did let slide, but there were some big things that really got under my skin.

            Those are actually all the flaws I had with this movie: two. I thought that this was a great movie with an exhilarating action, great acting, fantastic villain-work, and an excellent political side, but some of the direction was not-so-great and there were some unrealistic things.

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