Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"World War Z" Blu-Ray Movie Review

            In 2006, the book World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War was released. Now, the movie World War Z, which is based on the book, is on Blu-Ray. So, which would you choose? The answer should be obvious.

            How was the acting?
            This film stars Brad Pitt and Mireille Enos. First off, I should not have to say that Brad Pitt does very, very well in this role playing Gerry Lane. He was a believable character, I did not see Brad Pitt on the screen, and he portrayed Gerry Lane very well. Mireille Enos plays Karin Lane, and plays her well, too. She is not anything incredibly special, but she portrays Karin Lane well, and was a somewhat believable character. I did not mention any other actors because those are the only true stars and other characters came in went throughout the film. I will just say this: With the exception of a few actors, the supporting cast did well in the film. The movie had good overall acting.

            How was the writing?
            The film did have alright dialogue, but nothing special. The lines were good, and not clichéd, but it did not have edge-of-your-seat dialogue or lines where I thought, “That was a really good line.” The worst part about the screenplay was that the characters were not developed. There was one scene with the only the family and not anything having to do with zombies. The film does not lose that many points, though, because World War Z is meant to be a fun movie. It could be argued Brad Pitt’s character was introduced gradually throughout the film. Anyway, the undeveloped characters made it fairly difficult to gather information about how they would deal with the situations they were in, so I had guidelines for how far the screenplay could go in how characters’ actions are different from the characters’ personalities. Therefore, I do not have an opinion in that field of criticism. Another thing I liked was how the events and action sequences were written. During some of the sequences, I could not tell what was going on because of the camera positions, but I liked how in the screenplay the camera angles were written. About the events: in the writing, there were probably instructions about how to execute them, because the events were executed well.  I liked what characters did during the major events. They did not just do something stupid so that it will all flow together. They would choose the logical decision for the situation. Though, there were some illogical and realistic elements to the movie, but it is a zombie movie, so it will have those elements. The writing for the film was good, overall.

            Did it have an interesting premise/good story and good characters?
            I thought the premise was interesting for two reasons. Reason one was that… Zombies! Reason two was that if was supposed to be a fun zombie movie, but it added a political view on the apocalypse and did not have as many illogical and unrealistic elements in the script, so it has a more mature take on the zombie apocalypse. The story was also good. It did have some flaws in the execution, but it did have a good feel and tone, and I liked most of the major plot events. There were some I did not care for, and some that seemed over-the-top, but that was a small number of events. All the rest of the events, I liked. The characters, as I already said, were not developed. I did not know much about them; therefore I did not really care about them. Brad Pitt’s character I did somewhat care about, but his family, and everyone else in the movie, I did not care. Most to all of the characters were likable, but they still were weak characters. World War Z had a very good premise, good story, and weak but somewhat good characters.

            Was it entertaining or boring?
            There was a span of about 30 minutes after a few opening scenes that was slow, and get boring to me after the first 15 minutes of it. There were other smaller spans of time that were slow, but I was interested in the film and was entertained by them. The scenes that were not slow, I was really entertained by. Lastly, what this movie’s all about, the action sequences, which were incredible. They were really, really enjoyable and so fun to watch. The sequences were very exciting. The last 30 minutes of the film, I thought were nearly great. I was a very well done group of scenes and intrigued me. Most of it was an action sequence, which was the best in the film. It was intense, suspenseful, and incredible. The span of 15 minutes right before that was also very, very good. It was also an action sequence, which was not as good as the last one, but was probably the second best in the film. It was very intense, but it was also very thrilling, and was different than the last one. Anyway, those two combined for the last 45 minutes of the movie was really, really good. The movie as a whole was not only entertaining almost the whole way through, but it was very enjoyable.

            What things in particular did I like about it (that I have not already said)?
            I liked the way this film was directed, and most of the shots were good. I depicted the action sequences how they should have been depicted, and I really thought the cinematography was good. The scenes were lit up so that it gave the feel of a fun summer movie, but also a drama.

            What things in particular did I dislike about it (that I have not already said)?
            The editing was very strange. It changed scenes very abruptly sometimes and it felt like something was missing. The scenes were also cut together strangely in the sense that they should not have been in that order.

            How was it overall?
            World War Z had good acting, good writing, a very good premise, a good story, somewhat good characters, was very enjoyable, was directed well, had very good cinematography, took a more mature take on the zombie apocalypse, had very, very good action sequences, and had good shots, but also had a small number of bad actors, some weak lines, some illogical and unrealistic minor plot events, some bad lines, weak characters, some boring parts, a somewhat messy story, and had not-that-great editing. This is a very, very good film.

            Do I recommend this film?
            This is a good mix of an interesting story and a fun zombie movie; I really recommend renting or even going ahead and buying this film to watch it.

            What is this film’s rating?

            On my scale, the it’s rating is “I’ll Probably Buy This”.
            On the grading rating scale, I give it an A-.
            On the out-of-10 scale, I give it an 8.3/10.

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